STRATEGIC PLAN 2024 - 2025

A flourishing orchestral ecosystem
Extensive audiences and player participation
A compelling annual programme with dynamic partnerships and projects
Strong social connections across diverse communities
Recognition of the relationship of tangata whenua and their tikanga with their taonga in the Waikato
The go-to organisation for orchestral experiences in the Waikato
Resilience and sustainability
He pūnaha rauropi tira pūoro whakakapakapa
Kia whātoro ki ngā minenga maha, kia whai wāhi hoki ai te mahi a te kaiwhakatangitangi
He hōtaka ā-tau hihiri me ngā kaupapa, hononga whakaharahara
He hononga tūturu ki ngā hapori kanorau
Kia whakamānawatia te hirahira a te tangata whenua o Waikato, ō rātou tikanga me ā rātou tāonga
Kia noho hei rōpū whakahaere toronga matua mō ngā wheako tira pūoro ki Waikato
Kia manawaroa, kia pūmau
Responsive - we adapt to the changing needs of the world around us
Collaborative - we recognise the strength of combined contributions
Generous - we work inclusively, seeking to get the best out of everyone
Respectful - we acknowledge the mana of tangata whenua and the diverse cultures in the Waikato region
Reflective - we are considered and use what we learn to develop and improve
Focused - what we do we do well
Rata - e rata ana, e tahuri ana ki ngā hiahiatanga e ara ake ana i tō tātou ao hurihuri
Mahi Tahi - e whakamānawa ana i te pakari o te whai wāhitanga a tēnā, a tēnā
Marere - he urutomo te mahi e kitea ai te papai a tēnā, a tēnā tangata
Whakaute - he whakamānawa i te mana o te tangata whenua me ngā ahurea katoa o te rohe o Waikato
Huritao - he iwi whai whakaaro mātou, mā te ako ka whanake, ka pai ake
Arotahi - ngā mahi e mahi nei e mātou, ka mahia kia tika, kia eke